Hi! How are you? My dad’s age.
The answer for this question is 1. The article seems like it was written to entertain. The claim is not verified.
India is a kaleidoscope of cultures that includes umpteen variations in food, clothing, language, music and religious beliefs. This colourful spread has been shaped by the long history and unique geography of this land. Though cut off from the world by three oceans and the highest chain of mountains, this penissula has been invaded time and again through the almost inaccessible mountain passes. Besides, more than four hundred main languages, there are thousands of others including dialects that are distinctly different to each other.The diversity of India’s languages can be understood by the fact that the Indian currency has 15 languages, besides Hindi and English, printed on it, and most sign boards are written in English, Hindi and the state language.India is one of the most religiously diverse nations of the world with each individual free to follow his own rites and beliefs.. Home to four of the world’s major religions, minor religions too play an important role in the lives of the people.
,,Singur in fata dragostei'' este un roman de dragoste ce prezinta povestea de iubire a doi profesori de la sat. Viorica, personajul principal feminin se indragosteste de de Radu Negrescu, profesorul de matematica si fizica, un tanar cu umor sacastic, dar totusi placut de toti.
Romanul prezinta si problemele intelectualului de tara, iar pe Viorica, o fata de oras o privesc un pic ciudat datorita tunsorii baietesti si hainelor sale prea moderne. Colegii ei de munca incearca sa o aduca cu ,,picioarele pe pamant'' facandu-i tot felul de reprosuri despre tinutele sale nepotrivite. Dupa parerea lor, ar trebui sa se imbrace mai sobru pentru a da un bun exemplu elevilor.
Radu Negrescu a mai fost insurat, casatorie ca a durat foarte putin, si acum se teme sa iubeasca de teama ca oraseanca Viorica sa nu-l paraseasca pentru viata comoda de la oras.
<span>Interpreting during the listening process</span> is the same as Decoding, it is the process of translating print into speech by rapidly matching a letter or combination of letters (graphemes) to their sounds (phonemes) and recognizing the patterns that make syllables and words.