D) Allied forces captured Osama bin Laden and several al-Qaeda leaders
The invasion of Afghanistan didn't really brought any change for the ordinary people of the country as the country was and still is in big mess and is extremely dangerous. The US and its allies though managed to get hold of most of the country, with only small parts remaining under extremist control, and they managed to get the men they wanted, Osama bin Laden and his closest collaborates. By capturing and murdering them, the US and its allies practically eliminated the leadership of al-Qaeda which resulted in rapid and big decline of this terrorist organization.
He is eager to fight. He is always confident, a kind young hero, the Son of Odysseus and a respectful youth.
where are the pictures/options?
Russia Communism was hated by Hitler because he saw Bolshevism as a construct of the Jews. Additionally, Communists around the globe were greatly emboldened by the new Soviet state so they began rebellions against their governments following WWI. Many German citizens did not like this behavior. Later, the soviet state of Russia fell and de-Stalinization occurred refers to a process of political reform in the Soviet Union that took place after the death of long-time leader Joseph Stalin in 1953.