String chessboard[][]=new String[6][6];
This is the declaration of a string 2-D array in java.
String is the data type of the variable.
chessboard is the name of the variable.
6 is the size of the 2-D array.
new is the keyword for allocating space to array.
I’m here, hello. . . . . . .
One business is " Backwards Beekeepers," Your welcome. >,<
Answer with Explanation:
"Planning" plays a crucial role before starting any business. If you've decided to start a vegetable farm business, <em>then you better plan ahead</em>.
Vegetables are "perishable," which means<em> it is easy for them to get spoiled</em>. Thus, you have to consider many things such as: <u>what kind of crops to sell, where to sell them, what season you're going to sell them and how much you are going to sell them</u>.
Choosing the kind of crop depends on <em>whether you'll be requiring intensive labor or not.</em> Although the former means more profit, <u>it will require more capital.</u> Knowing your target market is essential. For example, if your target are health-conscious people, then you have to go for organic vegetables. Determining the season to sell the vegetables will allow you to price them accordingly. Lastly, you have to know how much you're going to sell your vegetables<u> in order for you to have an idea of the profit you're going to make.</u> This will also allow you to budget your money.