The birds, because we can see from the food web that the bird eats both grain, a producer, and grasshoppers, a consumer.
The endoplasmic reticulum is the term which describes an extensive network of tubes, sacs, and vesicles throughout a cell that provides transport as its main function. The endoplasmic reticulum is a small organelle and is found in most Eukaryotic cells. It is not found in red blood cells. The endoplasmic reticulum is a network in the core of the cell and occurs within the nuclear membrane and is involved in the synthesis of lipids and proteins. The endoplasmic reticulum also usually has ribosomes attached to it.
Because it contains two different sex chromosomes
Man in its genome contains two sex chromosomes, X and Y, while woman contains two X chromosomes.
In order to be a carrier of a sex-linked trait, a person should have one copy (one allele) of a certain trait. For example, if a female has one X chromosome with mutation (e.g. disease carrying) and one normal X chromosome, she is carrier for the disease. But, on the other hand if a male has one X chromosome with mutation he will develop that disease.
Cells make RNA messages in a process similar to the replication of DNA. The DNA strands are pulled apart in the location of the gene to be transcribed, and enzymes create the messenger RNA from the sequence of DNA bases using the base pairing rules
Well there are three reasons
it drains into rivers, streams, etc. or
it seeps into soil and gather underground as ground-water
falls into high mountains and freeze and in the summer it will melt and flows into the rivers