The United States wanted to stop the influence of communism.
The Incas created a highway and road system in Peru with over 18,000 miles of roads.
The Incas were the first to cultivate the potato in Peru.
The Incas used advanced farming techniques such as canals and ditches to irrigate their crops in Peru.
The Incas administered intelligence tests to Incan children and based on their results they were either taught a trade or sent to school to become administrators or part of the nobility.
Hope these facts help you!
Aristotle in the one. I find his observations about the world to be far more in line with what we know within science than those of Plato and I believe that Plato’s idea of perfect forms has no real evidence or even logical basis. In my mind, Plato’s argument for perfect forms is less of an argument and more of a baseless assertion. Now, I do find Plato to be correct as well in many other regards, such as political philosophy, but I agree far more with the philosophical viewpoint of Aristotle overall
What he did is down below in Explanation
He was the United States Minister to the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893 when he was accused of conspiring to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani in association with the Committee of Safety, led by Lorrin A. In January 1893, a revolutionary “Committee of Safety,” organized by Sanford B. Dole, staged a coup against Queen Liliuokalani with the tacit support of the United States. On February 1, Minister John Stevens recognized Dole’s new government on his own authority and proclaimed Hawaii a U.S. protectorate. Dole submitted a treaty of annexation to the U.S. Senate, but most Democrats opposed it, especially after it was revealed that most Hawaiians did not want annexation. President Grover Cleveland sent a new U.S. minister to Hawaii to restore Queen Liliuokalani to the throne under the 1887 constitution, but Dole refused to step aside and instead proclaimed the independent Republic of Hawaii. Cleveland was unwilling to overthrow the government by force, and his successor, President William McKinley, negotiated a treaty with the Republic of Hawaii in 1897. In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out, and the strategic use of the naval base at Pearl Harbor during the war convinced Congress to approve formal annexation. Two years later, Hawaii was organized into a formal U.S. territory and in 1959 entered the United States as the 50th state.