To write 3000 as a fraction you have to write 3000 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
3000 = 3000/1 = 30000/10
And finally we have:
3000 as a fraction equals 30000/10
i got u my g
Step-by-step explanation:
so its 9+22-28=3
Given the exponential function:

The starting point is found when x = 0.
So, let's substitute x by 0.

Answer: The starting point is (0, 1.004).
the second answer choice x greater than or equal to -6
Step-by-step explanation:
because u have to find the where the equation is defined. the range is the set of values that correspond to the domain.