Ain’t is in fact a word. Tell her to look it up in the marium Webster dictionary. It’s a contraction for; am not, are not, or is not.
If I was given the chance to go to space, I would like see what it was like and how it feel to not have any gravity weighing me down. I would like to see if there are actually any cows that jump over the moon.
<u>~Senpi Boi here!~</u>
<em>I believe the settings for the tale of the ant and the dove is that briefly the dove was perched on a tree branch when she noticed an ant falling into the river. But then a leaf was immediately grabbed by the dove and tossed into the water near the struggling ant. So overall that''s my idea of the setting from the Ant and the Dove tale.</em>
(Hope this helps!)
C. The hero is usually an outsider who starts out as an underdog