1. Collect a list of all your tasks. ...
2.Identify urgent vs important task
3.Assess value of your work
4.Order tasks by estimated effort. ...
5.Be flexible and adaptable. ...
6.Know when to Strike out
7. Time Management
1.Collect a list of all your tasks: Make a list of what you want to achieve and document them in a book
2.Identify urgent vs important task: Segment the tasks into ugent and the important tasks. avoid tyranny of the urgent.
3.Assess value of your work: what work has more value, which one has less value.
4.Order tasks by estimated effort. ...
5.Be flexible and adaptable. ...
There should be allowance for change at the long run. Be open to adjustment that will significantly improve your output.
6.Know when to strike out :Strike out tasks that that has less priority and focus on the one with top priority
7. Time Management: effective time management should be consider while carrying out your tasks so that you can move on to other things. Time is life. Who ever waste his time waste his life.