In, a chord, the name of it (so G in this case) is the root. It is also known as scale degree one. For example, if the chord was C major, the root would be C.
Art, in my opinion, is just as vital as other subjects. This may seem obvious, but art allow kids to express themselves more freely than other subjects such as arithmetic. It aids in the development of motor skills, visual learning, decision-making, and other abilities.
Figure/ground is the organization matter that is used in the Gestalt psychological as one of the main principles. It is the way the perceptional field is organized and understood. The figure is what is standing in front (mostly black) and the ground refers to the background (usually white), or what is behind the figure.
<u>In a non-visual matter of psychological reading, these themes are represented as subject and background, </u><u>as well as the positive and negative space. </u>What is positive space and figure is what we are focused on, while the ground or negative space is what we can easily oversee in the background.
it could be two options B or D
because B shows of a religion and sometimes things in history can be simple things like a plate or a cup or even a candle. D have some good choice by having said that it could be something that you or anybody can use everyday.