A. its never good to ignore what your stressed about
C. If your seriously to the point where it effects you mental or physical health then maybe think about this but if you know your stressed about something then just take time of to come up with a better plan that will allow you to get what you need done but not burn out.
D. trying to forget what your stressed about never works because you will stress even more when it get worse or harder. By forgetting it your not helping the problem your just going to become stressed again
i chose B because i have GCSE coming up and i am also stress and B seemed like the best option for me to
The activities required when playing volleyball strengthen the upper body, arms, shoulders, thighs, abdominals, and lower legs. In addition, volleyball improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and balance. Last but not least, volleyball teaches teamwork and communication and is a great social activity
heart diseases if u exercise every day u lower your chances of having if exercise every your likely not to get it
diabetes if u eat healthy and not eat as much sugar to not diabetes
coner cancer if u exercise and not be stress u prevent this buy not having stress or exercise to prevent maybe do hobby u love
high blood pressure this comes by being in stress like coner cancer u prevent by not being stress do something to relieve you (don't do smoke beer or do something illegal tho) maybe a hobby or sport or hang out with your friends
When we are little we see the way our parents or elders act and that tells our brain that is the correct way to act. As we grow up the things they tell us we will become is what we think will happen and so we do that in fear that we will disappoint them.