The difference was that serfs were required to work for their lord and give him food for exchange of protection when war times appeared. Peasants, on the other hand, had no obligation to do so, they were just people who were agricultural workers and were growing crops.
Hi, you haven't provided the options to the question, so I will just give the answer in my own words and you can check with the options.
A duty of care is a legal responsibility of a person or organization to avoid any behaviours or omissions that could reasonably be foreseen to cause harm to others. For example, a sports administrator, sporting organizations, administrators and facility managers usually have a duty of care to participants to take reasonable care to ensure that safe playing surfaces are provided.
Duty of care is the first element that must be established to proceed with an action in negligence.
Negligence is defined as a failure to exercise the care that a reasonable prudent person would have done in the same circumstances.
Therefore, according to the question, the neglect or failure to fulfill in a just and proper manner the duties of care of a recreation or sports service provider is known as NEGLIGENCE.
c. construction of tunnels, highways, courthouses, and airports.
The Civil Works Administration or the CWA was a
that was established by
during the
in order to rapidly create the mostly manual-work jobs for millions and millions of the unemployed workers during that time. This project was created under the 
This project was designed to bring back the jobless workers into work by providing employment in different sectors. It employed around 4 million unemployed workers during the Great Depression period in the constructions of tunnels, highways and also in the construction of the courthouses and the airports.
So, the correct option is (c).
During war or if its "wrong"(ex: cursing someone out bcs theyre a poc is not justified by the 1st amendment).
Answer:Relaxed mind set
If your approach your exam with a relaxed mind it is likely that your mind will be highly productive because you can be able to recall the information that you studied effectively.
A relaxed mind is free from anxiety and fear and it is very likely that you will not panic when you are in your relaxed mode.