Mississippi river is one i dont know the other srry...
1. The sound of the shakuhachi is deeper and deeper compared to the sound of the western flute.
2. It has the ability to be divided into three octaves on a five note scale.
3. The Japanese aesthetic quality that can be heard in the piece is the "ma", the "okua-den" lineage and the silence that can be noticed between the beats and the breath.
The shakuhachi is a wind instrument very popular in the east and very similar to the European recorder. It is made of bamboo and has a very simple appearance, with only a mouthpiece and 5 holes, but it has a great versatility which allows it to be used in many different genres. This versatility occurs thanks to its deep and raw sound that can be divided into three octaves and five-note scale.
It’s a as they believed that through anything they would get this land such as the trail of tears
1.Political system/Political organization
4.Types of political organization: band, tribe, chiefdom, state
1.Political system/Political organization
4.Types of political organization: band, tribe, chiefdom, state
Ishtar is known as the goddess of love, sex, desire and war. Her equivalent goddess in Greek Mythology is Aphrodite, and her symbol is hook-shaped, knot of reeds. While, Mithra is the goddess of light, justice as well as war.