Antitrust laws prevent monopolies. A monopoly is a company or business that dominates a particular market to such an extent that there is no viable competition to that company. Since a monopoly does not have any other serious competition in a market, the monopoly is at greater liberty to charge higher prices and offer lower-quality prices. Antitrust laws break up or limit the size of monopolies, allowing other companies to enter a market.
Why is it hard to find peace?
No matter what - peace will never perish, and as it will never perish, it will never circulate fully.
There are three matters as to why peace doesn't last.
Hate → Hate is always found, in every corner. If hate is found, jealousy is found. And where jealously is found, there will be arguments.
The world is not always fair → As much as we know, poverty and "dark societies" are out there suffering from starvation and much more. Can these people live in peace without support? No, they cannot. They need support and help, but greed had overcome the souls of mankind.
War → Whether it last 3 days, or 3 years, war is always found. Peace is found after a war, but sometimes, wars don't end with fair agreements, causing more war.
What can I say? Life is life, peace isn't found everywhere.
This guideline refers to:
Recommendations should be based in research
Avoid using unproven therapies in treatment.
Behavioral scientists tend to rely on scientific knowledge when making a scientific or professional judgement. The behavioral scientists should be updated with all the scientific knowledge. Under the guide lines set up, recommendations should be based in research and the usage of any unproven therapies is strictly prohibited and considered as a crime.
Classical civilizations are a traditional period in time of social history. They lasted between 500-400 B.C. Including sixth century AD and eighth century BC. Classical civilizations are one of the most advanced at craft man ship, writing, and art.
Ancient Greece took up a large portion in time, from 500 and 400 BC. They have many well-known dates, for example, the passing of Alexander the Great, which took place in 323 BC. Athens developed quickly after the Greek Dark Ages until it became one of the two most dominant city-states (The other was Sparta) in the Old Greek World.
Ancient Rome's social history was between the eight century BC and sixth century AD and known as the Greece-Roman world. Located in the Mediterranean, Rome's area was in Italy. Many of their greatest achievements were writing, engineering, workmanship, reason, postal assistance, cash economy, and vote based systems.
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