<span>C. connects families to community resources they need. </span>
Botulism could develop in unrefrigerated flavored oils.
Botulism is a paralytic disease caused by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. It was first discovered by E. van Ermengem in 1897. Botulism is Latin for botulus, meaning sausage—disease is commonly transmitted by food not prepared properly.
Therefore, this is the reason why flavored oils should be refrigerated.
Aheart attack is a build up of cholestorol that prevents the blood from flowing through the body which leads to cardiac arrest.
No recomiendo ningún tipo de psicología que sea online, remota o a distancia, dado que la psicología como tal requiere de un contacto cotidiano entre el profesional y el paciente, es decir, de sesiones presenciales en las que el profesional pueda evaluar íntegramente al paciente y sus afecciones íntimas. De otra manera, es decir, si el psicólogo no pudiese evaluar en forma presencial a su paciente, se producirían grandes modificaciones en la percepción del profesional respecto de la situación de su paciente, lo que podría conducir a un diagnóstico erróneo, que podría afectar negativamente la eficiencia del tratamiento y, en última instancia, la salud mental del paciente.
The nurse should assess the situation and have the knowledge or need to be aware of the symptoms that the patient is experiencing. Since she is experiencing chest pain, the nurse should assess if the patient is experiencing myocardial infarction even if the patient has unremarkable medical history for the myocardial infarction in women are different than the male gender.