the Great royal was an achievement of Persia
<span>"B.Paid juries of citizens heard legal cases and made decisions" and </span>"<span>C.
Power was in the hands of the people and all citizens were equal before the law" and "</span><span>D. Though all citizens were equal, only the wealthy and well-born were likely to serve as jurors or council members.</span>" are correct. But it should be clear that citizenship had a narrower definition than it does today.
An auto-da-fé or auto-de-fé was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics and apostates that took place when the Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition or the Mexican Inquisition had decided their punishment, followed by the carrying out by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed.
The Great Schism was between the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church.
The Great Schism refers to a conflictive religious event that occurred in 1054. In this conflict there was a mutual rupture and excommunication between the highest hierarch of the Catholic Church in Rome, the Pope or Bishop of Rome (together with the Christianity of Occident), and the ecclesiastical hierarchies of the Orthodox Church (together with the Christianity of the East) especially the principal of them, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
In the 1930s, as a reply to the increasing agitation in Europe and Asia that would eventually lead to World War II, the United States Congress passed the Neutrality Acts. These were impelled by the growing isolationism and non-interventionism policy that followed the expensive involvement in World War I and aimed to guarantee that the country would not become compromised over foreign conflicts again.
In 1941 the Neutrality Acts were widely repealed. The Lend-Lease policy aimed to defeat Germany, Japan, and Italy by distributing supplies between 1941 and 1945 put an end to the United States' pretense of neutrality.