The phrases that support the author's purpose of describing how lovely and full of life the place was:
Supports Purpose
-wildflowers delighted
-places of beauty
-countless birds
Is Neutral
-the snow
-in winter
-Along the roads
These are words that supports the author's purpose and the ones that are neutral.
The phrases "places of beauty", "wildflowers delighted", and "countless birds" all support and give credence to the loveliness and liveliness of the place.
However, the neutral words that do not directly support the author's purpose, the neutral phrases "the snow", "in winter", "along the roads" are just used to describe the weather and road without supporting the author's description of liveliness.
The author makes sudden actions of Bella that would create surprise and also be at suspense for the reader at the same time. The way people call Bella in a letter surprises her because it makes her special to someone. “I bend to retrieve it, surprised to see “My Bella” scrawled ornately across the front.” The author foreshadows to create a flashback of what happened earlier in the short story.
When the author states in the story “I look past him, but Abuela gasps and exclaims, “Alejandro, after all these years!” the author creates surprise and a feeling of the story's climax. When the author uses foreshadowing he makes the main character show emotion and express herself throughout the short story. Small actions like when Bella recognized who is writing to, make her think or foreshadow the past and then she gets surprised as she notices who is likely writing to her.
The answer is 'Hard Work' or just simply 'Work'.
The correct answer is: check the meaning.
When we see an unknown word in one text, the first thing we should do is check the meaning of the word in a dictionary. After that, we should memorize the word and try to use it in a certain context, in order to make sure we understood its meaning.
When we are predicting the meaning of the word, we can often make a mistake, because some words and their meanings can be quite unpredictable or illogical if someone doesn't know the etymology of the word or doesn't understand the scope of its use.
Brother I should attend this school class so I can learn new thing/stuff and get educated and become some thing in life and earn to good will for you and parents and we will buy a new big house
I just give you an idea you may add more