Some examples of physical evidence that supports scientific theories that earth has evolved over geologic time are the studies have have been done supporting the idea of Pangaea that all the continents were together and with time separated, if you look at a map you can see that the continents almost fits like a puzzle, of course they do not because of erosion and climate change, but it’s the closest example.
Because the share the characteristic from there parent's
The penis carries the urine semen and seamen urine and the urine and semen
A paradigm shift is a major change in the concepts and practices of how something works or is accomplished.
A paradigm shift very often happens when new technology is introduced that radically alters the production process of a good or service.
Although the idea of paradigms has been around for quite some time, the concept was explored by physicist and philosopher Thomas Kahn Kuhn.
The four limitations are
1.It's often impossible to repeat trials on the same subjects.
2-Subjects may report an inaccurate medical history.
3-It can be difficult to control all possible variables.
4-It's impossible to come up with testable scientific questions for human subjects.
Research involving human beings is ultimately necessary for improvements in human health and welfare. Any results about healthy physiology, illness causes, treatment effectiveness, learning, or behavior must be verified by carefully controlled investigations involving human participants. Sadly, not all human research have been valid and beneficial. It is possible to harm people in the name of research. The most well-known instances happened in Nazi Germany. Investigations conducted after the war found several crimes, including experiments in which participants were submerged in extremely cold water to determine how long it would take them to pass away from hypothermia.
Learn more about Medical research here