When investing you have the chance of losing any money you've made from the investment as well as the original amount you put down. When saving you are simply putting aside money and beginning to pile it up as you continue to save it.
The quote means care for others and not just yourself. Basically, don't be selfish and help other people when you can.
Overgenerality, Taxonomy: Logical Fallacy > Informal Fallacy > Overgenerality Subfallacy: Hasty Generalization Example: As this is the 25th Anniversary of "Thriller" and, Mr. [Michael] Jackson’s worldwide sales have to date exceeded over 750 million units, Mr. Jackson is being recognised for his phenomenal, record-breaking achievements.
Tell me if somethings wrong with my answer! If there is!
The answers are
6._ Harder
8._Least Exited
These are the answers in my opinion.<span />
Labor-saving devices are inventions that reduce the time and effort needed to perform or complete a task. Farm equipment, home appliances and construction equipment are examples of mechanical inventions that save time and physical labor.