Trescientos setenta y uno = 371
Ocho cientos cuarenta y cinco = 845
Un mil = 1000
Ciento sesenta = 160
Quinientos veintisiete = 527
Answer: 1: Andar por las montañas. 2: Vivir en un piso bonitoen la playa. 3: Dar un paseo por la naturaleza. 4: Cocinar una cena deliciosa.
Explanation: I don't know if this right.
Why are you making us basically do a half-essay for you?
All the translations are correct.
All the answers are correct because the exact translation changes in Spanish depending on the <u>context</u> of each sentence. For example:
''Can you open the door?'' translates to ''¿Puedes <u>abrir la puerta</u>?''
''Sir, open the door please'' translates to ''Señor, <u>abra la puerta</u> por favor''
''I'm waiting for you to open the door'' translates to ''Estoy esperando que <u>abras la puerta</u>''
''When you open the door, what do you see?'' translates to ''Cuando <u>abres la puerta</u>, ¿qué ves?''