Is this question multiple choice? It sounds like it should include the answers. The Congress of Vienna redrew the map of Europe in order to restore the old monarchies in places Napoleon conquered.
The New Deal redefined the role of the government, convincing the majority of ordinary Americans that the government not only could but should intervene in the economy as well as protect and provide direct support for American citizens.
Everything Nina Simone done as a child involved music. Everyone in her family played music. There never was formal training, they all learned to play music like they all learnt to walk, it came natural for them. When Nina was six she became the pianist for their church. She had the greatest gift. Her parents thought she would benefit from formal training with a piano teacher. Even though they could not afford the lessons her mother went to work for a piano teacher to get Nina the lessons she needed. Being inspired Nina wanted to be the African American concert pianist. She earned a 1 year scholarship at the Juilliard School of Music. Then her career just got bigger from there.
Like many other countries, France was looking for money through trading and gold.