It's now June 1774, and the fiddler's bill has arrived in the form of British forces occupying Boston.
The Declaration of Independence is a document that was drawn up by Thomas Jefferson stating the rights that every man should have from birth that the King of England had taken away. The Declaration of Sentiments, drawn up by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, is a similar document, but this one states that all women are born with the same rights as men and that the men have been taking those rights, the same way that King George III did to the founding fathers of the country. Another similarity is that they were both written in order to try to convince the population of an idea that was overwhelmingly unpopular.
Yes I know it bdjfndjdjcjdkfjcnfnxncjjgjfjxncjcnxjdjcjcjxnxbcjcjxnjxjxjcjcjvjvjcjxndndnjdjd