Rwanda genocide happened in Rwanda, 1994
That they were advanced enough to do metalworking, and that they had access to bronze ore.
The correct answers are B and D. As a result of John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry, in the South support for secession from the Union grew, and states passed laws to prevent rebellions by enslaved people.
John Brown was an avid abolitionist who believed that the only way to overthrow slavery was by armed insurrection. After bleeding Kansas and the Dred Scott case, in 1856 Brown attacked Pottawatomie, Kansas, where he killed five alleged slaveholders. He was then considered a criminal, but abolitionists considered him a hero. He decided to hide from the justice system and develop a plan of further action.
On October 16, 1859, with the support of about twenty people, he invaded the town of Harper’s Ferry. Brown's unit reached the town, killed the mayor and captured the armory located there. Slaves, however, did not support the uprising, while the state police and marines detached the warehouse easily and suppressed the rebellion. Some of the attackers were killed, while the rest were arrested and brought to court. Brown and his colleagues were accused of treason, conspiracy and murder, and the court sentenced them to death. The execution was carried out by hanging on December 2, 1859.
Feelings of fear over the threat of slavery and its violent suppression dominated in the south. The north of the country expressed support for Brown, which only deepened terror in the South. In addition, residents of the southern states were convinced that Republicans supported Brown's actions, which led to the decision to accelerate secession in the event of the Republican Party's victory in 1860.
Hitler ordered a conquest of the Low Countries to be executed at the shortest possible notice to forestall the French and prevent Allied air power from threatening the vital German Ruhr Area. It would also provide the basis for a longterm air and sea campaign against Britain.
Economic expansion demanded cheap labor, access to or control of markets to sell or buy products, and natural resources such as precious metals and land