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The reason that this sentence is not correct is because you would write it like this
"what age can children participate"
The poem is trying to say that if you do not remember anything that happened in the past does not mean that you do not have knowledge about it.
The poem "The poetic interpretation of the twist" is written by Cornelius Eady. It is a poem written in a very different way and leaves a positive impact on the readers of this poem.
The major theme and the message of this poem is that a lot of events happen in the past of the life of the humans and there are certain events about which the human might forget also and they go out of the mind or the memory of the human being also. But if he forgets something does not mean that he does not have any knowledge about that particular thing. It is just out of memory.
The cellar is full of water because the pump is broken
<u><em>media influence our perception of the global issues of our time :</em></u>
Around the world, billions of us use social media every day, and that number just keeps growing. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2018, 2.44 billion people will be using social networks, up from 970,000 in 2010.
We use it for every part of our lives – in our personal relationships, for entertainment, at work and in our studies. To put it into some context, every minute we collectively send more than 30 million messages on Facebok and almost 350,000 .
Our growing love of social media is not just changing the way we communicate – it’s changing the way we do business, the way we are governed, and the way we live in society. And it’s doing so at breakneck speed. Here are six observations and predictions for the way social media is changing the world from experts