Some relatable songs are Pumped up kicks-Foster the people; Come home- One republic; I want to hold your hand-Beatles; Safe and sound-Taylor Swift; 21 guns- Green Day; we will rock you-Queen
The noun phrase that is explained by the appositives is:
"...then I was answered by a voice from within the tomb!"
As stated above about an appositive, you will discover that the appositive, "...- by a cry, at first muffled and broken,..." explains the above noun phrase. It tells the reader the type of voice it heard from the tomb. A noun phrase is known as a phrase that possesses a noun (or indefinite pronoun) and performs the same grammatical function as a noun. These noun phrases can actually function as verb subjects and objects. It can also function as a predicative expression and as the complement of prepositions.
I crossed
Slowly approached the curb
My face flushed bright red
The crowd blocked my escape
To tell your cousin about a soccer goal that you made
O to express your opinion about a proposed law: If you write a friendly informal letter, you would probably be disgraced and your opinion ignored.
O to thank your teacher for providing encouragement: You should still write a pretty formal letter, if you write one at all, since it is your teacher.
O to tell your cousin about a soccer goal that you made: You can write an informal, friendly letter since it is a cousin, and it is only about a soccer goal you made.
O to ask the mayor if you may interview her for the school paper: If you write a friendly letter to the mayor, you will have about 0% of her saying yes.
The answer is "Winston agrees that anything O'Brien wants him to believe is true."
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