Rome's neighbors to the south, the Greek colonies, had an equal, if not greater influence on Rome's early development. ... When Rome began to expand, they used the idea of loyalty to a city or town to control those they had conquered. They used citizenship to the city of Rome as a unifying factor in the surrounding areas.
Your reading above gets my article completely backwards. The research shows that women who work outside the home have LOWER rates of depression than those who do not, even when we control for other factors, like pre-existing health problems that might make some women less likely to work. Someone needs a better fact checker or copy-editor!
<span>Restorative programs, in contrast to the traditional punitive model, work to achieve the best outcome for both victim and offender. In working through mediation with the victim, the offender has an opportunity to make amends to their previous actions and prevent future offenses of that nature. As well, the victim has an opportunity to achieve a level of justice that aids in the victims recovery. The crime is viewed as an offense against the victim and the offender should make appropriate amends to the victim.</span>
<span>Yes i do agree. Everybody has some person or ideal that they look up to or use as a guide to some extent. This may not actually be a typical hero but to some extent all people behave based on actions that they have observed. It is the observation of social behavior of other that help us learn how to act and wich our actions re based off of good or bad.</span>