I think it's explain because he asked him to answer him
Answer: Besides changing you topic why don't you explain why you would like to choose art or music. Are you experienced in it? Do you enjoy doing it? Why do you enjoy it? Asking question like these will let you think of good things to write in your research presentation. You could also research on some other people that have made it a successful career and how they started there career and relate to how you would like to start yours that way.
Start by introducing the idea, as if this person is somebody who doesn’t know much about it. Then give three examples each on how it’s been both positive and negative, then add a transitioning sentence to be able to start your next paragraph.
The answer is:
B. Grieving is considered cowardly and serves for the weak of heart.
In King Claudius' lines from "Shakespeare," he expresses to Hamlet that he should not be sad over the loss of his father. First, because it is the natural law of life - parents die and their children outlast them. Secondly, it is not manly - mourning a father is not a masculine attitude a man should possess. Likewise, such behavior belongs to those who have a sensitive heart and a weak mind. He also suggests that Hamlet starts calling him father.