0.04 of a chance
because 1 chapter has 20 pages and the book has 500
so the chance of you flipping to chapter 12 out of 500 pages is 4% of a chance
a = 3, b = 1, c= -5
-> ∆ ( delta ) = b²-4ac = 61 > 0
-> x1 =( -b+√∆ )÷ 2a =...
x2 = (-b-√∆)÷2a =...
p/s: do your teachers teach you how to use ∆ ( delta ) in maths calculation ? i live in europe and our teachers teach us that way. however, it is a rịght and fast way. you should learn it.
her inequality is incorrect
the number of hours is greater than or equal to 6
(not sure about the first two questions cause the question is kinda confusing. just know that the inequality in the question represents "x is less than or equal to 6")
their number line is incorrect
the number line is correctly filled in
the lien should be shaded to the left
360,000÷100/ 360,000÷900 = 9
check the picture below.
now, if we split that triangle like so with that red line, we can use the right-triangle there, to get θ.