South Africa is the most stable country south of the Sahara
It would be phytoplankton.
Growth stage
The Growth stage -
Fire begins with a growth period which either transits to a rapid flashover period or, if that stage is not reached , starts to decay and fire ends . Growth phase is usually defined as the preflashover stage. Traditionally , compartment fires are either a fuel-controlled or ventilation controlled .
Fuel controlled fire is when the oxygen is available to combust all available fuel vapors in enclosure . Whereas ventilation controlled fire is when there is no enough oxygen to combust all the fuel available inside the enclosure.
A fault is a product of brittle deformation in which a displacement occurs within the earth.
A normal and reverse fault both have an hanging wall and a foot wall.
- In a normal fault, the footwall moves upward and the hanging wall moves downward thereby causing extension.
- In a reverse fault, the footwall moves downward and the hanging wall moves upward thereby causing shortening.
- The footwall is the block on a side of the fault surface where a miner can stand whereas the hanging wall is the block on the other side.
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