When dividing 22 into 121 , you are cosidering how many times 22 goes into 121. This is called division.
Now how do we use division to find this?
well we do 22 over 121 or 22/121
The next step is the conversion to decimal.
How do we figure this out? well we use multiplication through the remainder theorem. The way this works is we figure out how many times 121 goes into a quantity of another number so,
121 goes into 22 how many times. Well 0, thus by the reaminder theorem we will add a zero assuming that we put a decimal place so now we know the number is atleast .XX
Now we have 220, so how many times does 121 go into 220? Well 1. We can add that to our number .1XX and we subtract that from 220 and then add a zero.
220-121 is 99 plus add a zero so we now have 990. 121 goes into 990 how many times? 8 times so we know the number is .18
This process could be continued forever, but there is no need. I hope I explained this well. Explaining core concepts like this generally should be done in person with someone.
We can easily work out the meter reading in October. It comes out to be 32347 + 972. So the reading in October must be around 33319.
SO the answer to second question is really easy to figure out too. As we know that one unit costs 14 p we can simply multiply the cost with the number of units consumed.
So for 972 units if we multiply by 14 we get the cost to be around somewhere 13608 p.
If she can ride her bike 3 miles in 24 minutes how far can she ride her bike in 72minutes. So, if we find out how many times 24 goes into 72 (by dividing it) then times the answer by 3 because that’s how many miles she can do in 24 min. That will give you the answer e.g
Sally can ride her bike 4 miles in 12 minutes so how far can she ride her bike in 24 minutes. You do:
_2_. 2x 4 = 8 so she would be able to
12) 24. Do 8 miles I. 24 minutes.
Step-by-step explanation:
how many weeks are in 4 years
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope this helps