The settlers had mysteriously disappeared when a supply ship came around to deliver supplies to the settlement. The word Croatoan was etched into a tree nearby. The most widely accepted theory is that the settlers intermixed with the Native American tribe nearby because Croatoan was an island located close to Roanoke that the settlers were instructed to go to if anything had compromised their position on Roanoke.
Alexis Clairaut a French astronomer and mathematician whom also a prominent Newtonian whose work facilitated to create the validity of the principles that predict regarding Halley’s comet and gives importance which demonstrated and evidenced that the theories of motion and gravity are correct which is Isaac Newton’s Theory.
Constitution is a an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other types of entity and commonly determines how that entity is to be governed.
Veto is a the political right to disapprove of the process of a decision, a law etc. An invocation of that right.
Bill of Rights a formal statement of the fundamental rights of the people of the United states, incorporated in the Constitution as Amendment 1-10, and in all state constitutions.
Ratify is the confirmation or adoption of an act that has already been performed.