1. it will help people have no more pain
2. help people live longer
3. we won't have to be in constent fear that we will die of a diseases
Chiaroscurist means a painter who uses light and shade rather than color to add more of an illusion. (Whether this be 3D or realistic type of an illusion.)
You will learn this in an art class.
The allusion leads to the concept that he is almighty but he is also a loving and good god . And the meaning is from him being the creator of the lamb and the creator of us .
Have in mind that Eudora's childhood had many characteristics that she could apply in her writings. Pay attention to the following:1. She was the only gril and the thir one out of three sons2. The love of reading she had is due to the fact that her mother, a school teacher, believed that "any room in our house, at any time in the day, was there to read in, or to be read to".3. Eudrora used technology simbolism in her stories due to the fact that her father was intrigued by gadgets and machines and inspired in Eudora a love of all things mechanical.4. Her parents used to read books to each other in the evenings, which was a milestone in eudora's desire to write booksI know you can relate these expereinces to the excerpt you have