They have found that their slower rate of aging is due mostly to <u>genetics</u>.
Studies have already established the connections between ageing and genetics, since genetics help identify the underlying mechanisms that govern ageing. Genome studies have identified loci that influence age-related diseases, as well as other important human ageing traits, lifespan included. It is the hope of several in the scientific community that such discoveries will, in the future, allow for anti-ageing interventions.
Better patient care.
Patient care is the most important purpose of any improvisation in healthcare management. Coding greatly inceases the level of detail, leading to higher ability in measuring quality and safety of healthcare. detailed data analytics help healthcare managers, adminstrators and policy makers in creating better standards lowering risks and better policies.
Better claims processing.
Inclusion of newer and advanced medical procedues wit higher detailling in data makes ICD-10 a claims friendly code. Improved avalability of specific data will reduce denial of claims and the time requird for processing claims.
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Florida had wanted to enter as a slave state, which posed a problem and ultimately led to six years of wait.