a = 6, b = 0
The loop ran 3 times before b == 0. "while ((b != 0)" is essentially saying: 'While b is not equal to 0, do what's in my loop'. Same general thing with "&& ((a / b) >= 0)". The "&&" is specifying that there should be another loop condition, while the rest states: 'as long as a ÷ b is greater than 0, do what's in my loop'. If both of these conditions are met, the loop will run, It will continue this until the conditions are not met. Hope that helped! :)
#include<iostream>//library inclusion
using namespace std;
int main()
int userInput;
do//start of do while loop
cout << "Enter a number less than a 100" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput < 100) //condition
cout << "YOu entered less than a hundred: " << userInput << endl;
cout << "your number is greater than 100" << endl;
} while (userInput > 100);//condition for do while
return 0;//termination of int main
The program has been commented for you. The do-while loop enters the first loop regardless of the condition. Then after the first iteration, it checks for the condition. If the condition is being met, it will iterate through, again. Otherwise it will break out of the loop and land on the "return 0;" line. Which also happens to be the termination of the program in this case. The if-else condition is used for the user to see when prompted.
Communication comes in lots of types, therefore, it also has lots of goals and purposes. One of the purpose of communication is to satisfy instrument goals. Instrument goals here refers to the goal that focuses on convincing others to act in an appropriate way. This is most applicable in situations when someone had to deal with others.
an aptitude test.
Based on the scenario being described it can be said that the test that Francis is scheduled to take would be classified as an aptitude test. This is a test that tries to determine an individual's innate ability at a particular competency. These are abilities such as sequencing skills and abstract reasoning skills, and are the results of these tests are used in order to see where a candidate can best be placed within a program/company to best perform.
Answer: False
Explanation:Decision tree is the tree like structured flowchart which is used for the evaluation of the possible outcomes or result of the particular problem. It usually has two or more branches as the the result node . Decision tree are applicable to many problems for solving it. So, decision trees is not only applicable on certainty problems but also on other problems as well. Therefore the given statement is false.