Son animales que se alimentan exclusivamente de plantas, pastos, hierbas y vegetales en general. Hay muchos herbívoros que comen huevos y a veces otras proteínas provenientes de animales. Ejemplos de herbívoros: caballo.
c. Resistant bacteria have survived and reproduced at a greater rate than nonresistant bacteria
The antibiotic is no longer effective as it was 20 years ago because the resistant bacterial have survived and reproduced at a greater rate than the non-resistant bacteria.
- The antibiotics have specifically designed to exterminate the disease causing bacteria strain from the body.
- While at that point in time, it is potent and does the work. Along the line, it will cause the structures of some other strains to change.
- This will lead to the development of resistant breeds with time.
- The resistant breed will then be able to survive the onslaught of the antibiotics making it not a good fit.
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Selective force
I believe it is a araebacteria