The program to this question as follows:
def isEvenPositiveInt(x): #defining method isEvenPositiveInt
if x>0: #checking number is positive or not
if x%2==0: #check true condition
return True #return value True
return False #return value False
return False #return value False
print(isEvenPositiveInt(24)) #calling method and print return value
print(isEvenPositiveInt(-24)) #calling method and print return value
print(isEvenPositiveInt(23)) #calling method and print return value
In the above Python program, a method "isEvenPositiveInt" is defined, that accepts a variable "x" as its parameter, inside the method a conditional statement is used, which can be described as follows:
- In the if block the condition "x>0" is passed, that check value is positive, if this condition is true, it will go to another if block.
- In another, if block is defined, that checks the inserted value is even or not, if the value is even it will return "true", otherwise it will go to the else part, that returns "false".
They are definitely not heroic characters, so you can rule that out. Definitely dangerous criminals. If you need me to help further I can. Is that a question or an essay?
The scheme where you can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers by repetitive application of the division algorithm is known as Euclidean Algorithm.
The Euclidean Algorithm for calculating GCD of two numbers X and Y can be given as follows:
- If X=0 then GCD(X, Y)=Y since the Greatest Common Divisor of 0 and Y is Y.
- If Y=0 then GCD(X, Y)=X since the Greates Common Divisor of 0 and X is X.
- Let R be the remainder of dividing X by Y assuming X > Y. (R = X % Y)
- Find GCD( Y, R ) because GCD( X, Y ) = GCD(Y, R ).
- Repeat the above steps again till R = 0.
La mayoría de las cosas que utilizamos en el hogar proviene de distintas industrias ubicadas a lo largo y ancho del mundo, dado que vivimos en un mundo globalizado e industrializado, en el que las distintas naciones intercambian bienes y servicios a través del comercio internacional.
De esta manera, en los distintos hogares hay cosas de diversos orígenes, como electrodomésticos provenientes de China, Japón o los Estados Unidos, muebles provenientes de México o Suecia, alimentos provenientes de Argentina, etc.