Europe sent manufactured goods and luxuries to North America. Europe also sent guns, cloth, iron, and beer to Africa in exchange for gold, ivory, spices and hardwood. The primary export from Africa to North America and the West Indies was enslaved people to work on colonial plantations and farms.
Sugar boosts independence
During those three centuries, sugar was by far the most important of the overseas commodities that accounted for a third of Europe's entire economy. As technologies got more efficient and diversified, adding molasses and rum to the plantation byproducts, sugar barons from St.
The senate must approve all treaties with a 2/3 majority.
The revolution which more directly captured the spirit of the Enlightenment was the French one. The French revolution was based on three basic principles: equality, freedom, brotherhood.
These three principles were also things which depicted enlightenment as a period extremelly well.
The primary causes were that Sparta feared of the growing power and influence of the Athenian Empire. The Peloponnesian war began after the Persian Wars ended in 449 BCE. This disagreement led to friction and eventually outright war. Additionally, Athens and its ambitions caused increasing instability in Greece.