The external conflicts in the diary are of two types. First, there is a person vs. society conflict. Anne struggled and chafed against the Nazi regime that unjustly wanted to annihilate the entire Jewish population.
Man vs. Man-the character is in conflict with another person in the story.
Man vs. Society-the character faces conflict due to some type of societal norm that is in conflict with his/her beliefs or actions.
Man vs. Nature-the character faces trials due to natural forces.
Daedalus was bitter, angry, and jealous of Perdix's success at such a young age. Daedalus is jealous of Perdix's skill and wisdom. He wishes it could be his son, not Perdix, that is alive and well and angrily shoves Perdix out the tower.
he painted his house, as in past tense. he paint his house wouldn't make sense, so it's painted.
Ponyboy Curtis doesn't like some of the people in his gang, especially Dallas Winston, but he would still do anything for Dallas and would defend him from danger if possible.
The word order- how and where words are placed so that the reader gets an emotion (tone) based off of the placements of words from the reading
Punctuation- if there’s a lot exclamation points that would set a excited tone or surprised or a lot of periods could mean they want to be straight to the point