Cartilaginous fish do not contain any bones - their skeleton is made up of cartilage.
Which part of the neuron below is indicated by the arrow, and what is its function?

✯ The dendrites carry the electrical impulses from the signal receivers to the cell body.
The correct answer is CSA.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an alternative model for the distribution of agricultural products directly from the farmer to the consumer, it consists of a group of people who form a cooperative to grow and consume food. Through this socio-economic model, consumers lend their support to producers, in exchange for a direct and regular delivery of biological products, that is, producers and consumers support each other and share the benefits and risks of food production.
Option (A), (B), (D) and (E).
Wings are present in class Aves that helps the birds to fly. Wings provides the means of locomotion and also allow the sexual selection in case of birds. The wings are the modified forelimb of birds.
The bats wings are ancestral whereas birds have derived wings. Birds and reptiles (turtle) mostly have ancestor with wings. On the basis of wings we cannot construct a phylogeny tree. Hence, wings are not the ideal characteristics for the construction of a phylogenetic tree.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A), (B), (D) and (E).