The US borders Mexico, so if Mexico became a part of the axis powers the US would have to fear an attack on its mainland (from either Mexican forces or other axis forces stationed in Mexico), whereas if Mexico remained neutral the US mainland would be safe.
Three-quarters of the U.S. debt is the Treasury bills, notes, and bonds owned by the public. They include investors, the Federal Reserve, and foreign governments. One-quarter is the Government Account securities owned by federal agencies
During<span> the high </span>Middle Ages<span>, the Roman </span>Catholic Church<span> became organized into an elaborate hierarchy with the pope as the head in western Europe. He establish supreme power.</span>
Answer is E. Relax and drink a glass of milk before bedtime.
Insomnia is simply the inability to sleep. This is a serious condition which can negatively affect the health status of the person involved.
There are some things that have been linked to be the causes of insomnia. These are stress and when an individual is concerned about certain things like school, work, finances and health. Thinking about these things keep the mind active and eventually making it difficult to sleep.
There are things that can be done to prevent insomnia.
1. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment.
2. Avoid eating or drinking just when going to bed.
3. Avoid the use of stimulants like caffeine and nicotine.
There are three types of insomnia.
1. Transient insomnia.... This last for a few days or weeks.
2. Acute insomnia..... Last for several weeks.
3. Chronic insomnia.... Last for months or years.
Answer: Pre-authorization
Managed care plan is the plan that contains insurance about the medical facilities and health care that is provided to an individual by health care providers. This plan is provided to people at low costs through providers and the services of healthcare is also at low amount.
Pre-authorization is the prior approval that is provided by the health insurer that the particular medical services and care will be provided to the individual under the plan.
If this pre-certification is not obtained in managed care plan then this can lead to the reduction in plan's medical care coverage or no coverage at all in healthcare field.