I think you should put a check mark by 2, 3,
5, and maybe 6.
Hope this helps.
Answer: The father determines the biological sex of a baby
Explanation: Human beings have two sex chromosomes, males have XY chromosomes whereas females have XX chromosomes. During fertilization, an egg from a woman fuses with a sperm cell from a man to form a zygote. Women have two X chromosomes (XX) and any point in time they can only release an egg bearing an X chromosome but males have one X and one Y chromosome, therefore they can either release a sperm cell with an X chromosome or a sperm cell with a Y chromosome. When an egg with X-chromosome fuses with a sperm cell with an X chromosome, the resulting baby is a female but when an egg with an X chromosome fuses with a sperm cell with a Y chromosome, the resulting baby is a male.
What makes the difference in both sexes is the Y chromosome from the man, therefore the father determines the biological sex of a baby.
C4 plants—including maize, sugarcane, and sorghum—avoid photorespiration by using another enzyme called PEP during the first step of carbon fixation. ... PEP fixes carbon dioxide into a four-carbon molecule, called malate, that is transported to the deeper bundle sheath cells that contain Rubisco.
It is a series of compounds especially organic compounds with the same general formula or functional group that differ by - CH₂ with similar properties.