Arlington National Cemetery
Veterans Day wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers.
I'm sorry if I wasn't much help
your correct religion and political authority were separated
Boycott- A Protest
Nonimportation agreement- a boycott which restricted importation of goods to Boston
Militia- Military force of civilians to help army in emergency’s
Minutemen- militiamen who volunteered to serve at minutes notice
Petition- formal written request appealing to authority with respect
Repeal- An action of revoking a law or congressional act
Hope this helps :D
The only religion recognized in Middle Ages Europe was Christianity and specifically Catholicism. ... Religious institutors including the Church and the monasteries became wealthy and influential given the fact that the state allocated a significant budget for religious activitiesThe Catholic Church in Europe had a heavy influence during the High Middle Ages, the period from about 1000 to 1300 C.E. The Church was the center of life in medieval western Europe. ... During the Middle Ages, the Church was a daily presence from birth to death. It provided education and helped the poor and sick.