.d) Gibson and Walk demonstrated that most babies displayed depth perception by they time they could crawl.
The study by Gibson and Walk titled The Visual Cliff concluded that most children can discriminate depth as soon as they can crawl and display depth perception. Even though their mums called across from the other side of the cliff, of the 36 infants used in the study, only 3 walked across the cliff to meet their mum.
Answer: nah I got spotify
A. total revenue
To calculate profit, producers actually subract their total cost of production from the "Total Revenue" generated.
Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost Of Production.
It can also be calculated by subtracting cost price from selling price.
Answer: My greatest achievement was that time I knocked out a donkey with one punch. Settle down ladies, I’m taken.
That well-intentioned people may perpetuate discrimination that is invisible to them
Fullinwider hopes to make some points with the "Land of Giants" thought experiment. He conducted an extensive research study and realized that sets of people that are well-intentioned may perpetuate discrimination that is invisible to them. Fullinwider pointed out that good people sometimes might show discriminating acts toward others