What is the are the options????????
What are the lines then I can tell you the answer?
But if this helps-
Alliteration means the occurrence of he same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
The answer is a picture of a postal carrier making deliveries of mail.
Heavy rains destroy crops and cause floods. Children enjoy this season to the utmost, they take shower, float paper boats and dive in the water of rain. All water bodies often get full of water, the rivers that dry get plenty of water. All plants and trees become green and greenery makes the environment more beautiful.
Yeoman: A yeoman is a person that owns and cultivates a small farm.
Farmer: A farmer is a person who cultivates land or crops or raises animals.
Camp Meeting: A camp meeting is a often religious meeting held outdoors or in a tent, sometimes lasting several days.
Mill Village: A mill village is a settlement that developed around one or more mills or factories.