LACEMOPS is an acronym which summarizes all of the important controls on climate. These are Latitude, Air masses, Continentality, Elevation, Mountain barriers, Ocean currents, Pressure cells, and Storm tracks. Most climates will have some combination of these elements. Very few places are affected by all of the
I pretty shure its vicksburg
Culture is basically a way of life
1. Art enabled new understandings in this field= mathematical
2. Credited with being the founder of Renaissance painting in the Netherlands = Jan van Eyck ( he was the founder of early painting from the Netherlands who was active in Bruges)
3. His most famous painting depicts sin and redemption = Hieronymus Bosch ( Dutch painter who represented the early Netherlandish painting school).
4. He brought Germany into the mainstream of Renaissance art = Albrecht Dürer (he was a print maker and best known for his leadership due to woodcut prints).
5. Objects appear to get smaller when this increases = distance
6. Orthogonal line is not this on canvas but are in the world= parallel (the prospect lines leading to the vanishing tip are called as the Orthogonal lines)
7. The single point in a picture where all parallel lines that run from the viewer to the horizon line appear to converge = vanishing
8. The Ghent Altarpiece is this= Polyptych ( a painting which is split into panels or divisions is known as the Polyptych).
The holocaust was a terrible part in history where many Jews were murdered terrorized by nazi's for 12years. The leader of the nazi's, Adolf Hitler thought that Jews were an alien race. There were concentration camps where many people died from the conditions in the camp or were murdered. Jews were forced to wear a yellow star and put it on Jewish shops, which got shut down. They managed to kill 5-6 million Jews and atleast 5 million other victims. people have different opinions of what we should remember the holocaust for. Some believe we should remember the horrible acts of racism and others believe we should remember it because it was a huge part in Jewish history.