1. Online payment of bills
2. Checking account balance
3. Stop payment request
4. Fund transfer service
5.Viewing account statement or printing bank statement
Online banking is also called internet banking or web banking, means conducting banking services via the internet.
1. Online payment of bills - Settlement of bills can be done online without the need to involve payment of cash, it may be telephone bills, electricity or gas bill e.t.c.
2. Checking account balance - A bank customer can check his account online to know the balance in his bank account.
3. Stop payment request - The countermand of a check can be done online, countermand means reversing an earlier mandate given to a bank, that is stopping the payment of a check.
4. Fund transfer service - Transfer of fund either between one account and the other or between a customer in one bank and a customer in another bank can be done via online banking.
5. Viewing account statement or printing bank statement - Instead of waiting for bank statement to be sent by the bank at the end of a period, through online banking, a customer can view the debit and credit in his account or even print the statement directly.