A negative externality is when a good costs much greater than what the consumer pays for it. Since you did not provide the possible answers, use this explanation to find the correct answer among the ones you might have.
Idk the answer but my name is Amanda so I felt like I should comment. Good luck tho
A structured query language (SQL) can be defined as a domain-specific language designed and developed for managing the various data saved in a relational or structured database.
In Computer programming, any word restricted for use, only in object names because they belong to the SQL programming language are called reserved word.
Hence, these reserved words can only be used as the name of an object but not as an identifier e.g the name of a function, label or variable.
Some examples of reserved words in structured query language (SQL) are UPDATE, GROUP, CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_DATE, CREATE, DELETE etc.
Hence, SQL allows the use of special operators in conjunction with the WHERE clause. A special operator used to check whether an attribute value matches a value contained within a subset of listed values is LIKE.
A disk is divided into thin concentric circles called tracks. The heads move between the outermost track or zero track to the innermost track.
It is the circular path drawn through the circular surface of the disk plate by the read / write head.
Each track consists of one or more Cluster.
Following is the C++ code for the question given :-
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string s1,s2;//two strings to store the words.
cin>>s1;//Input statement.
cin>>s2;//Input statement.
cout<<s1<<" "<<s2<<endl;//printing both words in one line separated by space.
return 0;
make choices
I have taken two strings two store two words.After taking the input I have printed both the strings which contains the words entered by the user separated by space.