Persia had a huge empire and had every intention to add Greece to their empire and thats why Persia attacked greece.
A. Developing nations are characterized by low income, high birth rates, high infant mortality, and economies still within an agrarian or early industrial mode of production.
The Moldavons marked Independence DayIn the month of August but the protesters who was against the government did not find any reason to celebrate.
Numerous Federalists opposed the war because many of these men earned their living through trade. The conflict hampered the Federalists' ability to exchange with England. Tensions increased so much so that by 1814, some Federalists in New England threatened to secede from the United States to form their own country unless the American government immediately sought peace. With the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 and the end of the War of 1812, many Americans viewed the Federalists as traitors. The Federalist Party collapsed, leaving the Democratic-Republican Party as the only political party in the United States until the mid-1820s.