global market opportunities
Most European explorers of the 1400s, like Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan, were sailors working either for private merchant companies, or for nation states seeking new trade opportunities.
For example, Columbus sailed west looking for a new sea route from Europe to Asia, since communications between the two continents had been made difficult by Ottoman dominance over the Eastern Mediterranean, and Persian dominance over Central Asia. Columbus, in fact, died without having realized that he had landed in the Americas.
Ultimately, the Chicano Movement won many reforms: The creation of bilingual and bicultural programs in the southwest, improved conditions for migrant workers, the hiring of Chicano teachers, and more Mexican-Americans serving as elected officials.
During the Austro-Turkish war of 1788-1791 he served in a Serbian unit raised by the Austrians. After the war he raised pigs for the trade with Hungary. ... The war began with no real plan to seek independence. The struggle lasted until 1815.
1. The degredation of local economies and colonial deindustrialization
2. An unheaval of traditional life and religion
3. The fostering of nationalism in colonial societies
1. The destruction of the Bengal fabric industry by the East India Company
2. The presence of EIC missionaries in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Men like Padre Jennings directly influenced the Sepoy Mutiny by creating tensions in the local Hindu and Muslim populations of Delhi and Meerut.
3. The rise of the Indian National Congress, the Brahmo-Samaj in India, and the Vietminh in Vietnam.
No, I don't think so.
Individuals vote in favor of you since they put stock in what your endeavoring to do. Adjusting the ticket is no not as much as trading off your position. You need somebody of like personality to assume control after you have served your term.