The social Contract by Jean Jacques Rousseau, the publication of Common Sense by John Locke, and the concept of equiality among men are elements that inspired many latin american leaders. These revolutionary ideas were popular in most european universities where many latin american leaders, such as San Martin de los Andes, Mariano Martinez, and Manuel Belgrano, studied and tried to apply back in their country during the 1900s.
They created a new economy by recognizing the issues that the poor people faced in 1890s to 1920. Remember the rich made off money of the poor, after a while when the poor discovered that was happening. Workers went on strike for the such low income and working conditions.
The Social Contract. The Declaration of Independence serves as a social contract like an obligation to protect the rights of people.
A. It would put the money into the governments hands (more secure), and local banks would not be able to print their own money