The small intestine is the longest part of alimentary canal with a length of 4.5 to 7 m and narrow in width, while the large intestine is the hinder-most part of the alimentary canal with a length of 1.5 m. it called the large intestine because it has a width of 4-6 cm. Also in the large intestine circular folds are absent while its present in the small intestine.
Heat is transferred
Temperature is how "hot" or "cold" an object is
James B. Connolly of Massachusetts was the first modern Olympic champion to be rewarded with a silver medal. He represented the Suffolk Athletic Club
Answer is all crimes that includes several cold cases. These range from conviction of crimes from cold cases, finding missing persons and matching dna samples from crimes scenes. CODIS databases vary depending on the information they hold in their database. They include the LDIS, NDIS, SDIS, depending on the problem they were developed to solve.
A good extraction solvent should have a strong solubilizing capability for the compound of interest, it should be immiscible or only weakly misciblewith the matrix solvent ( the first solution or mixture containing the compound from its natural source, e.g., water/ether. water/ chloroform, etc. If possible the extraction solvent should be non-flammable, non-toxic or of low toxicity, reasonably volatile, and of low eco-impact. Inexpensive and available, of high purity , and shelf stable. If one is determining the compound of interest by UV/Vis spectrophotometry or fluorescence, the solvent should have extremely low absobance or emission at the wavelength of analysis
• high solubility for the solute and low solubility for the carrier liquid.
• density difference vs. the carrier liquid greater than 150 kg/m. ...
• mid-level interfacial tension (5–30 dyne/cm)
• high resistance to thermal degradation.